The CEO’s Restroom©

Author: Donna-Marie Rowe

The walls hugged me as I took refuge in the 3ft x 4ft restroom designated just for the CEO.  I needed time to just be and not let my Assistant see that I was getting emotional because she dared to show concern for me, the CEO.  She gifted me with a small sachet of sweets with a note which read, “Hope your day is not so stressful”.  Whoever spares a thought for the CEO?  

It was not the first time that I had come to appreciate, if not love, my dedicated restroom.   I often tell youngsters, “Don’t envy CEOs for their own restroom.  You will never know the events which cause them to ‘have to go’ immediately.”  Their imaginations were stirred.


In the restroom, you can wrestle with emotions which you know should be kept in check as part of your self-mastery efforts.  In fact, you may be so pulled up that you have to take the time to straighten your tailored suit, tuck your coiffed hair in place and of course freshen up your visage paying close attention to the eyes and what they may betray.  If the self-imposed detention involved tears, you have to ensure the nostrils do not give that away.

The beauty of the restroom is that all the implements are there to facilitate cleansing, reflection, elimination, silence, and observation.

In the everyday stress of the workplace, you need to find time to bathe yourself in silence and solitude.  It is priceless to find a moment to be quiet to sort through the cacophony of thoughts nitpicking at your mind, screaming at you to make them a priority.  It is in the quiet that you can get in touch with your core.  It is in the silence that you hear the voice of Jesus, guiding, leading, and coaching you to get back out there to accomplish your purpose for the day.  It is when you are alone that you are able to strategise to serve others better.  It only takes about five minutes or less to retreat for your mental health. 

You need to pause amidst the constant flow of messages, pings on your digital devices, serving, teaching, answering the phones, providing excellent customer service, responding to calls for help, fingering through files and managing conflict.

The retreat should be empowering and energizing to be effective.  Feel free to clear your mind, pray, read, breathe deeply and resolve to be victorious over it all, no matter what it is. 

Your purpose is bigger than the situation that is bringing about the feelings of stress and strain.  You work as unto the Lord Jesus.  You desire to serve with excellence and aplomb. 

Here is a quote which has inspired me to make good use of two minutes:

Tiny tweaks can lead to big changes.  For two minutes, configure your brain to be the best – cope the best in the situation. ~ Amy Cuddy

Will you carve out time to retreat and renew your mind today?








Published by dmarierowe

A student of leadership, my passion for personal, spiritual and professional growth is a constant companion. The leadership lights I share are from my more than two decades of earnest and deliberate study of leadership principles taken from Biblical scripture, characters and circumstances. Life lessons from my desire to progressively offer transformational leadership are also captured throughout. It is my hope that you will be inspired and helped on your leadership journey by the hot beacons that are lighting your way. Sail on with confidence!

4 thoughts on “The CEO’s Restroom©

  1. This is quite interesting! Forced me to picture Prince Hamlet uttering the words, “To be or not to be.” Hmmm. Oh how he probably had both his palms turned upward like a scale and comparing the weights of death and life.
    Putting a spin on Hamlet’s words i’d now say “To see versus to be” – meaning…Seeing a CEO versus being a CEO. I can only imagine the task of a CEO not being as easy to do as the abbreviation easy to say. Oh but for the grace of God! Ratings to that restroom – a secret place where you will always be able to hear the voice of God and be comforted by Him – the Source of your strength.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “The retreat should be empowering and energizing to be effective.  Feel free to clear your mind, pray, read, breathe deeply and resolve to be victorious over it all, no matter what it is.” THANK YOU!


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